
Buying an Electric Skateboard: Your Ultimate Checklist - Board Deck HQ

Buying an Electric Skateboard: Your Ultimate Checklist

Ultimate Checklist for Buying an Electric Skateboard

Have you ever imagined gliding down the streets on your very own electric skateboard? These high-tech skateboards aren’t just a fad – they’re a practical, fun way to navigate urban jungles and suburban landscapes alike. But with so many types, components and brands to consider, you might be daunted by the task of choosing the right one. Fear not! This comprehensive guide will help you determine your needs, understand the variety of options available, evaluate cost, and even share tips on maintenance and safety features.

What we’ll cover:

  • Your Electric Skateboard Needs
  • Different Types of Electric Skateboards
  • Essential Components
  • Brand Reputation and Customer Service
  • Cost Evaluation
  • Safety Features
  • Maintenance Tips

So, let’s jump right in, and show you how to select an electric skateboard that will revolutionize your commute and make you the talk of the town!

Determining Your Electric Skateboard Needs

When buying an electric skateboard, it’s important to first establish your needs and expectations. Are you considering an e-skateboard for commuting to work or school, or is it more for a leisure activity? Perhaps you’re in need of a faster and more eco-friendly mode of transportation.

Your skill level should also be taken into account when choosing an electric skateboard. Are you a beginner, or do you already possess some skateboarding skills? Electric skateboards for beginners often come with different modes that allow you to increase the speed as you become more comfortable.

The weight of an e-skateboard is another critical factor to consider. If it’s too heavy, it could be difficult to carry around when not in use.

Budget is another essential consideration when buying an e-skateboard. As with any other purchase, you want to get value for your money. Electric skateboards vary in price, depending on the features they offer.

Man contemplating his needs for an electric skateboard - San Francisco, USA

Understanding the Different Types of Electric Skateboards

Before you buy an electric skateboard, you should familiarize yourself with the different types of skateboards on the market. Two of the most common types are the electric longboard and the all-terrain electric skateboard.

Electric longboards are typically longer than regular skateboards and are designed for cruising and commuting. They offer a smooth ride over most surfaces and are excellent for long distances.

All-terrain electric skateboards, on the other hand, are equipped with larger wheels designed to handle off-road conditions such as grass, dirt, and gravel.

The decision between an electric longboard or skateboard largely depends on where and how you plan to ride it.

Additionally, el-skateboards can either have a hub motor or a belt drive. A hub motor is integrated into one or two of the wheels while a belt drive uses a belt and external motor. Each has its advantages: hub motors are generally quieter and require less maintenance, while belt drives are known for better torque and power.

Key Components of an Electric Skateboard

Understanding the key components is crucial when buying an electric skateboard. Motor power determines how fast an electric skateboard can go and how well it can tackle steep hills. If you live in a hilly area, you’ll need a board with a powerful motor.

Battery life is another essential factor to consider. How long an e-skateboard battery lasts will depend on several factors, including the type and size of the battery and the terrain and speed at which you ride.

Control systems on e-skateboards come in various forms, with the most common being a handheld remote that controls speed and braking.

The deck material can also affect your ride an e-skateboard. Some are made from bamboo for flexibility, while others are made from stiff materials like maple or carbon fiber for stability at high speeds.

Wheels impact the smoothness of your ride and ability to handle different terrains. Bigger wheels can handle bumps and cracks better than smaller ones.

Load bearing refers to the maximum weight that an electric skateboard can handle. Be sure to check this before making a purchase if you’re heavier than average.

The gear system, whether hub motor or belt drive, influences torque and power output. Belt drives are usually more powerful but require more maintenance than hub motors.

By understanding these components, you’re one step closer to finding the perfect electric skateboard that meets your needs.

Identifying Good Brand Reputation and Customer Service

One of the pivotal aspects to consider when you’re deciding to buy an electric skateboard is the reputation of the brand. Not all e-skateboards on the market are made equal, and the brand’s reputation often speaks volumes about the quality of their products. Look for brands that have a track record of producing high-quality skateboards. Customer testimonials, independent reviews, and industry recognition are some of the things you can look for to assess a brand’s reputation.

The Role of Customer Service

Do you know what’s equally important as the product quality? It’s customer service. Riding an electric skateboard can occasionally present issues or require maintenance, and that’s when you’ll appreciate having a responsive customer service team. You don’t want to be left hanging when you need assistance with your e-skateboard. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure that the skateboard companies you’re considering have a reputation for providing excellent customer service.

Importance of Warranty

While we’re on the subject of post-purchase support, let’s talk about warranties. A warranty is like a safety net when you ride an electric skateboard. It gives you peace of mind knowing that should anything go wrong with your skateboard within the warranty period, the company will take care of it. Skating around knowing you’re backed by a good warranty makes your experience much more enjoyable. Always check the warranty period offered by skateboard companies before making your decision.

Customer getting advice from a sales associate in a skateboard shop - London, UK

Evaluating the Electric Skateboard Cost

The next item in our checklist pertains to cost. When buying an electric skateboard, it’s not just about how much you pay upfront – you also need to take into account the ongoing maintenance cost.

Upfront Cost

The price tags on different models of e-skateboards can vary widely. You could find a budget electric skateboard for a few hundred dollars, or you might look at those high-end models that can run into thousands.

Maintenance Cost

But remember, the cost of owning an electric skateboard doesn’t end with your initial purchase. There are also upkeep costs to consider. For example, parts like wheels and belts may wear out over time and need replacement, so you need to have an idea as to how much these parts may cost depending on the skateboard you decide to purchase.

Considering Warranty Again

Also, remember what we discussed about warranty? Yes, it comes back into the picture here as well. A good warranty can save you from incurring hefty repair costs, making it an essential factor in evaluating cost. Sometimes, it is also an option to purchase additional insurance, which may be beneficial, especially when the warranty ends.

Top Safety Features to Look for

Safety should always be a priority when you’re choosing an electric skateboard. Here are some key safety features to look out for:

Brake System

The brake system is crucial for controlling your speed and ensuring safe rides. Make sure your chosen model has a reliable and responsive braking system.

Waterproof Rating

If you’re going to be using your e-skateboard come rain or shine, it’s essential to check its waterproof rating. This tells you how well it can withstand water exposure. If you decide upon a model that does not have much waterproofing, then you’ll need to be more proactive in checking weather forecasts and keeping your electric skateboard dry.

Off-Road Capability

Are you planning on adventuring off the beaten path? Then you’ll want to look at all-terrain electric skateboards that can handle rough surfaces with ease.

So, while you’re out there looking for the perfect e-skateboard that suits your needs and fits within your budget, remember this checklist. It helps ensure you make a well-informed decision and enjoy many miles of smooth, safe, and enjoyable rides.

Man browsing price tags of different electric skateboards - Toronto, Canada

Maintenance Tips for Your Electric Skateboard

One of the critical points to consider when buying an e-skateboard is how to maintain it. Luckily, with a bit of effort and attention to detail, you can keep your skateboard in top condition for years. The aim is to keep your skateboard functioning optimally without unnecessary expense or downtime. Let’s dive into some maintenance tips for your electric skateboard.

Regular Checks and Servicing

Just like any other piece of equipment, electric skateboards need regular checks and servicing to ensure that everything is working fine. This can include checking the condition of the wheels, ensuring that the nuts and bolts are not loose, and inspecting the battery connections. Here’s a basic checklist of what you should be looking at:

  • Check the electric skateboard wheels for any signs of wear and tear. It’s normal for wheels to wear down over time, but overly worn wheels can affect your board’s handling and safety.
  • Ensure your nuts and bolts aren’t loose. Loose hardware can lead to poor performance and even accidents.
  • Inspect your battery connections regularly. Any corrosion or loose connections could potentially damage your board and should be dealt with immediately.

Battery Care and Charging Tips

The battery is the heart of any e-skateboard. Thus, taking good care of it is crucial to maintain an electric skateboard. Some tips to ensure that your battery lasts longer include:

  • Avoid completely draining the battery: Try not to let your battery level drop below 20%. Draining your battery completely can shorten its lifespan.
  • Store in a cool, dry place: Batteries don’t do well in extreme temperatures. Ensure your skateboard is stored in a place that’s not too hot or too cold.
  • Charge correctly: Don’t overcharge your battery. Overcharging can cause damage over time. Follow the manufacturer’s guidance on how long to charge your specific electric skateboard.
  • Check for swelling and leaks: These are serious defects and signal that the battery needs to be replaced.

Following these simple tips will ensure the performance and longevity of your electric skateboard battery.

Man performing regular maintenance on his electric skateboard - Melbourne, Australia

Understanding Different Types of Electric Skateboards on the Market

There are several different types of skateboards on the market, from traditional longboards to smaller penny boards, each designed for varying riding styles and environments. Here are a few types you may come across:


Longboards, as the name suggests, are longer than traditional skateboards and are perfect for cruising around town or commuting longer distances. They provide a smooth, comfortable ride and are typically easier to balance on due to their length.

Offroad Boards

Offroad boards are built to withstand rough terrains like dirt paths or grassy fields. They have larger wheels and more powerful motors to handle the demands of offroad riding.

Street Boards

Street boards are smaller and lighter, making them ideal for quick city commutes or performing tricks. They often have a kicktail for increased maneuverability.

To maintain an electric skateboard effectively, it’s crucial to understand the type of skateboard you have as each type may require different maintenance routines.

Closing Thoughts

Investing in an e-skateboard requires careful consideration and evaluation. Begin by understanding your unique needs and how you plan to use the skateboard, which will guide you as you navigate the diverse types of electric skateboards available on the market. The key components, such as battery life and motor power, of an e-skateboard significantly influence its performance and should be key considerations when purchasing a skateboard.

A good rule of thumb is to choose reputable brands known for exceptional customer service and a track record of producing reliable skateboards. While the cost of the skateboard is certainly a factor, it’s essential to consider its long-term value over simply its purchase price. Always remember that safety should never be an afterthought; regular maintenance plays a vital role in ensuring your electric skateboard is in optimal condition and therefore performing safely; allowing you to focus on showcasing your skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most reputable brands of electric skateboards?

Reputable brands of electric skateboards usually have a long-established presence in the market, superior customer service, and consistently positive reviews. Some of the leading brands include Boosted, Evolve, and Inboard. These brands are known for their quality, durability, and performance.

How can I increase the battery life of my electric skateboard?

Ensuring proper care and maintenance of your electric skateboard can help to increase its battery life. This includes regular battery checks, not overcharging the battery, avoiding extreme temperatures, and reducing excess weight that the skateboard has to carry. Also, riding at a consistent speed rather than continuously accelerating and decelerating can improve battery life.

Are there specific safety features I should look for when buying an electric skateboard?

Yes, some specific safety features to look for include a reliable braking system, lights for night riding, a sturdy deck for stability, wheel quality for good traction, and remote control functionality for speed adjustment.

What are the maintenance needs of an electric skateboard?

Maintenance needs for an e-skateboard typically involve regular cleaning, checking screws and bolts for tightness, monitoring battery performance, and inspecting wheels for wear or debris. It’s also important to routinely check bearings and bushings and replace them when necessary.

How can I determine if an electric skateboard is suitable for my needs?

To determine if an e-skateboard is suitable for your needs, consider factors such as how often you’ll be using it, the terrain you’ll be riding on, your desired speed and range, and whether you’ll be using it for commuting or leisure. It’s also worth considering your skill level, as some electric skateboards are better suited to beginners or advanced riders.

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