
Boarddeckhq is a website that provides product information on an extensive range of electric kick scooters and skateboards available for sale. Our dedicated Boarddeckhq blog also provides detailed reviews, riding and safety guides, and helpful tips to enhance your riding technique. Boarddeckhq was founded in 2016 and has been providing advice and information for over a year, making it the most trusted online resource when it comes to buying your next electric scooter or skateboard.

Boarddeckhq was started by Daniel Thompson who is an enthusiast turned expert in the world of electric scooters and skateboards. Born and raised in Melbourne, Australia, his love for these innovative transport modes began as a child who was fascinated with movement and speed. As a teenager, he built his own custom skateboards and scooters, honing his technical skills and intensifying his passion. Recognizing the potential of electric personal transport devices, he moved to the United States to pursue further study and establish a career in this industry. Today, Daniel shares his knowledge and expertise through Boarddeckhq.com.

Electric scooters and skateboards are a marvel of modern technology that have revolutionized personal transportation for people all over the globe. Whether you're just beginning your journey or are an experienced rider, you'll find invaluable advice ranging from the fundamentals of electric scooting and skateboarding, choosing appropriate safety gear, to advancing your trick performing skills. With golden nuggets of wisdom and practical tips, the thrill and freedom you experience while riding will be unparalleled.

As the popularity of these innovative modes of transport skyrockets, and with so many options available, it can be hard to find the right device for you! The team of experts behind Boarddeckhq.com is an extremely passionate group that constantly evaluates and provides reviews on a wide range of electric scooters and skateboards, ensuring potential buyers have all the information they need in order to make an informed decision before buying.